Wednesday, October 6, 2010

14- Have, Do, Be / Be, Do, Have.

I know people,  I know all kinds of people. Some are 'have's' some are 'have not's' but very few are 'be's'.

Again, I digress and delve into metaphor.

Haves: Some people go to REI, to buy the best gear. They have absolutely the most current and up to date technology in very cool colors. Their closets are full of ropes, backpacks, coats, pants, lights, stoves, tents, sleeping bags, ice-axes and all other sorts of gear that I don't know the name of.

Their gear is impressive and well cared for.  They are certain to keep it clean and ready for action. They are pre-packed and ready to roll for any adventure. They have the gear cataloged just in case they lend it out.. so they can be sure to get it back in in the 'ready-bag'.

The level of their gear is that of a professional mountain climber or adventurer.  Top notch. The bees knees. The cats meow. The belle of the ball.

However, the gear really never leaves the closet.  It is a symbol, a point of identification for them.  If they have the right gear, then the can at any moment go climb a mountain. They, therefore, are a mountain climber.

I disagree.

Have Nots: Then there are the Sherpas of Nepal. They live in the Himalaya's. They walk, hike, climb all day long. They carry others bags on their shoulder to the top of the mountain. They live on chai and yak fat wrapped in bandannas stuffed in their pocket.

The do not have a North Face puffy coat. They do not have a -40 degree sleeping bag. They do not have Maui Jim polarized sun glasses. They do not have a butane stove that can burn in a  hurricane. They do not have micro-uber-polar-feather weight-fleece. They do not have Merril hard-shell crampon friendly carbon fiber boots.

Yet, they climb.

So, ask yourself. Are you waiting for a new yoga mat? Are you waiting for more time? Are you waiting for the last episode in the TV series? Are you waiting for new Lulu yoga pants? Are you waiting for a a friend to invite you? Are you waiting to lose some weight? Are you waiting for new shorts?

What are you wanting to Have in order to Be?

Or, can you just be?

"Am" ( as in "I am") is the  present form of the verb "be". What are you? I guarantee you ARE what you do, not what you have. So, do what you ARE. If you wish to be other than what you have created so far, change it. It is only you standing in the way of what you want to be.

It very well may be your 'have's' that barricade you from the 'be' you wish for. Choose to Be/Do/Have rather than the inverse.

At some point you may have what material you wish for. But at the end of the day you will BE, material or not, the action that you are.

If you are doing Yoga, no matter what gear you have, you are doing yoga. You are in your practice.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice! It's true that what we have is so different from what we are, although marketers would have us believe otherwise. It is a wonderfully refreshing thing to do and be what we want, regardless of what we or others have or have not.
